Allied Academies

Venue Information

Germany is awestern-central European bordered by Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, Denmark,the, Austria, France, Luxembourg, Belgium and Czech Republic and It is thelargest country in the central Europe.  Germany is the mostpopulous country in the European Union which ranks 17th in the world. Itscapital and largest city is Berlin, but other large cities include Hamburg,Munich, Cologne, and Frankfurt. It is known for its high standard of living,cultural heritage and history. In Germany the climate is moderatelycontinental, it has a temperate oceanic climate with warm summers, mild wintersand rain is seen throughout the year. Over the year round the temperaturetypically varies from 32°F to 70°F.

Germany is a key member of the Europeaneconomic, political, and defence organisations. The German economy is thefourth largest economy in the world and its economy isbased on high-tech firms and the service sector, encompassing a diverse rangeof creative industries, research facilities, media corporations and International meetings. It is one of the most influential Europeannations culturally, and one of the world's main economic powers. Germanyis a comprehensive center for technology and innovation, and for scientific researchand development and it is also the most accessible country in Europe. Scienceand research  have a long custom inGermany and are still highly valued today. Germany is one of the leadingresearch nations within the world and it open more gates for the research anddevelopment area. Germany is home to world-renowned universities, orchestras,museums, and entertainment venues, and is host to many sporting events. Thecity is well known for its festivals, diverse architecture, nightlife,contemporary arts and a very high quality of living.

Germany has a very dense network of publicly funded culturalinstitutions it has nearly 5,000 museums and almost 8,000 libraries. Theirevent calendars are filled with exhibitions, concerts, festivals, performances,trade fairs and sporting events. Germany serves as acontinental hub and it has highly sophisticated public transportation networkwith modernized transportation infrastructure. 


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